So I have just recently finished reading the first three novels in the Anne of Green Gables series, and before you say "Oh Anne of Green Gables, booorrringgg", and click out of this post. Just hear me out first, you may be surprised. K?
Now the Anne series is something extremely close to my heart, which my seven year old self would have disagreed with, as I was the cartoons #1 hater, and a name like Anne of Green Gables didn't really seem to strike a cord with me. Something like 'My Secret Unicorn' did tickle my fancy though. *Hides Copy* Don't judge.
I started to love the series by actually watching the movies first, (which are awesome movies, and I definitely recommend checking them out) and I realised that I actually connected to series on so many levels, and apparently people of all different ages all over the world could too. The series is so loveable because it covers so many aspects of life, many of these things relatable to most people. Not to mention the series is extremely well written, and makes you feel as if you are on an adventure with every turn of the page. (Too cheesy?)
Anyway, I am going to be sharing my thoughts and reviewing the first three novels for you guys. So maybe you can get a better idea of what the series is actually like if you were thinking of reading them. So without further ado, I give you, my review:
Title: Anne of Green Gables
Author: L.M Montgomery
Published: 1908
Rating: ★★★★
"Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert are in for a big surprise. they are waiting for an orphan boy to help with the work at Green Gables – but a skinny, red-haired girl turns up instead. Feisty and full of spirit, Anne Shirley charms her way into the Cuthberts' affection with her vivid imagination and constant chatter. It's not long before Anne finds herself in trouble, but soon it becomes impossible for the Cuthberts to imagine life without 'their' Anne – and for the people of Avonlea to recall what it was like before this wildly creative little girl whirled into town." - Puffin Books
The book that started it all. This book is seriously filled with mischief and laughter, and gives me the biggest sense of nostalgia. I love this book because it takes me back to my childhood memories, and always makes me wish I could just go back to when I was younger. This novel is so entertaining because you are taken on so many adventures throughout the story, which only makes the world of Anne seem so much more alive, as you get really well acquainted with the characters and the settings. This book is also pretty hilarious (seriously I get weird looks for laughing out loud in public places), and just puts a smile on my face any time I read it. Not to mention how CUTE the Anne/Gilbert stuff is in this book. Anne's innocence really touches my heart, I know that may sound soo cheesy, but seriously, it does. It just really makes me think of how life is when you are a child, and how you feel as if you can do anything and believe in all this crazy stuff that becoming an adult ruins for you. This book also really touches on friendship, grief, loss and maturing, and most girls who have gone through their teens can relate to a lot of the stuff that happens in this book, despite it being written and set in the early 1900's.
Love it. Four stars.
Title: Anne of Avonlea
Author: L.M Montgomery
Published: 1909
Rating: ★★★ 1/2
"Now Anne is half past sixteen and she's ready to begin a new life teaching in her old school. She's as feisty as ever and is fiercely determined to inspire young hearts with her own ambitions. But some of her pupils are as boisterous and high-spirited as Anne, and so life in her Avonlea classroom becomes a lesson in discovery and adventure." - Puffin Books
The second in the Anne series. This is the book that runs through Anne's time going from a young adult into adulthood. I like this one, because it mostly touches base on the issues of growing up, as Anne struggles with this constantly throughout the novel. She still has her childish ways with her, which definitely brings the humour into the novel, as she is still finding herself in all sorts of trouble. I just loved being able to live once more as a character in the town, and go on more adventures with Anne. The only thing this book is lacking is more GILBERT! I would have loved to see more development on the Anne and Gilbert relationship in this novel, as I really thought that this book would have benefited from it. Aside from that, the book was quite entertaining and I enjoyed reading it. Three and a half stars.
Title: Anne of the Island
Author: L.M Montgomery
Published: 1915
Rating: ★★★★ 1/2
"As her childhood friends get married and move away, Anne too leaves Prince Edward Island for college in Kingsport. Although Priscilla Grant and Gilbert Blythe are there, too, she feels lonely and out of place. But Anne soon makes new friends, one of whom is rich, handsome Roy Gardner, whose attentions to Anne make Gilbert very jealous..."
This is by far my favourite book in the Anne Series so far. I love the whole college life, and how this book really starts to develop each and every character very well. This book I can probably connect to most, and I really believe a lot of other people with too. I can't even begin to describe this novel, it is amazing!
It's main themes are love, acceptance, loss and change. As Anne finally becomes an adult, she realises that it is not what you imagine when you are child, and wishes she was younger again. She really struggles with change, as everyone around her seems to have left their childhood behind them and started on a new path when she is lost in the world. This book is definitely the most emotional, but what I love about it, is that it still keeps that sense of humour that all the Anne books have.
OMG AND WE CAN'T FORGET ABOUT GILBERT! The Anne books aren't based around romance, yet L.M Montgomery still wrote it perfectly into this book, and it's not predictable either. Montgomery always ends the books with the most beautiful lines, and this one was certainly one of my favourite book endings ever.
LOVED this novel! Four and a half stars.
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The Anne series really just makes me think about life, and be more aware of my surroundings.
L.M Montgomery must have had a pretty awesome life, as the setting of Anne of Green Gables is based off her hometown. If I could pick any era to go to right now, it would be early 1900's in Prince Edward Island countryside Canada, and it's all thanks to Anne.
Anyways, thanks for reading me ramble. I will be reviewing the other books in the Anne series in separate parts, so don't forget to check them out when they are released if you liked this one! :)
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