About me

Hello! I just thought I would start this 'About Me' page, just to help you guys get to know me a little better!

Well as you probably already know, my name is Bee, is that my real name, no it is not. It is a pseudonym, (if you don't know what that means, and trust me, I didn't either, it simply means a fake name :P). Why do I use one? Because I love mystery.

I am from the beautiful Australia! I wouldn't want to live any other place in the world, and I feel so lucky and so fortunate that I get to live in such an incredible country. It saddens me when I hear of others who don't get to live in countries such as Australia, who don't have access to things like hospitals, schools and even clean water. I never take where I live for granted.

I am an idler.  I read (obviously), create; whether that be drawing, textiles or writing, watch movies and TV shows (I genuinely don't watch much TV at all, except for a few of my favourite shows), love music, especially singing, public speaking, debating, and skiing, sailing, and any other types of sport.

Some of my other interests include Egypt; I absolutely love studying ancient Egypt, and Egypt is number #1 on my travel list. Astronomy; I have always felt a connection with the stars and anything to do with the universe, I also love studying star signs, I just find them fascinating. And Faeries (yes I spell it this way, I feel like it makes it seem less childish and more magical :P), which has been something I have been in love with since I was a little girl. They are just so strange yet so fascinating, and if you are looking at your screen write now thinking this girl is a crack pot, you obviously have never read the Cicely Mary Barker Flower Faerie Journals. I don't care if they are meant to be for children. :P

Well I guess you know a little about me now. If you have any other questions, feel free leave a comment down below.


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