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HOLY HELL. I am actually speechless... and trust me, that's not often. The only way to explain my brain right now is IOGAKbslizvqkavskjvzwkuqavdlvqwlauvc.
I actually cannot believe what I have just read. Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver has completely thrown me off balance. Just five minutes ago I jumped out of bed like a crazy person, feeling like I was suffocating and almost starting to hyperventilate (I know I'm dramatic). I just can't contemplate life anymore.
Okay enough of my rambling and onto the review:
Title: Pandemonium (Delirium #2)
Author: Lauren Oliver
Published: 2012
Rating: ★★★★
Pandemonium is the follow up to the book Delirium, the story is set in a dystopian world where the government has declared love a disease (I have a review of the first book right here). It is narrated by Lena, now 18 years old.
I can't really elaborate on the story more than I have in my last review, as I really don't want to spoil anything!
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I really don't even know where to start with this review.
The chapters in this book are separated by 'Now' and 'Then', as it switches between the past and present until they both kind of merge together at the end. I thought that this style of writing was extremely clever! It left you guessing a lot of the time as to how the 'Now' came to be, which was slowing revealed in each 'Then' chapter. I was absolutely HOOKED to both of the storylines, and was disappointed when each chapter would end because I wanted to continue the 'Then' story, then I would get hooked to the 'Now' story and want to continue with that. EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER PEOPLES.
Pandemonium was also a lot more engaging than Delirium. As I stated in my Delirium review, I loved the storyline, but sometimes I felt like it went a little slow and I wasn't always jumping on my chances to read it. It was so different when I was reading Pandemonium, as I was staying up as late as possible to read another chapter, and putting off other things I probably should of been doing *cough* sleeping, eating, breathing *cough* just to have an extra hour of reading.
I once again felt an extreme connection to the main character Lena, as the writing of this novel really allows you to understand her situation, and how this world, although it sounds ridiculous, could in fact be a reality.
There was also INCREDIBLE characters in this book. I felt that Delirium lacked a little bit of character development, but this book really nailed that right on the head! It's a little harder to develop other main characters in first person novels, but Lauren Oliver really did a fantastic job in Pandemonium!
And now for what I have been trying to get out of my system for pretty much all of this review, it has actually clouded my judgement...
I was shocked. I just did not expect it at all. I thought the ending to Delirium was a pretty big shock, but I really was caught of guard with this one.
Really, I write notes in the duration of reading a book so I know exactly what my thoughts were at the time, and there is a dot point that just says :
... I mustn't say anymore or else I know I will spoil something.
Well another review has come to its end.
You will definitely be seeing a review of the third and final book in the series 'Requiem' quite soon and a review of the 'Delirium Short Stories' !
Until then, stay tuned for other book and movie reviews!
Have a lovely week!